
Our mission at Batrice and Associates is to make key paradigms a reality in our fight together for progressive change:



We want to help raise the ethical bar for people, organizations and companies who share our progressive goals. Is the aim to make the world a better place? Is it better for humanity? These are the key questions we will always ask. Batrice and Associates is a company with a heart, soul and a moral compass.


We are helping build a network of empowered individuals who will go out and make further progressive change a reality all around the globe.


People are what make progressive change a reality. We are committed to fighting the good fight with empathy, treating each and every individual with dignity and respect. Whether it’s providing comfort for a family who has lost their child in a tragic way, meeting with immigrants who have faced atrocities at the border, or simply providing self-care support and guidelines for our own employees, we are first and foremost a people-focused company.


People who work together are empowered; one of our goals is to help connect people in a synergistic way. Building coalitions with strong and intentional intersectionality allows for productive collaboration. Focusing on the humanity of issues rather than artificial divisions, we can accomplish so much more.


Diversity in our company is a multi-faceted paradigm; in addition to promoting diversity in the traditional sense, we focus on bringing people together of all different backgrounds, specialties and talents. This unconventional approach has allowed us to excel in ways that would never have been possible without such diverse input and creativity.


We seek to elevate people, voices and issues of social justice, both here in the United States and around the world to bring about the change that is desperately needed for the people of this world to truly thrive.