
Meet our team of fierce changemakers.


Rania Batrice

Founder + President

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As the daughter of Palestinian immigrants, Rania has blazed a life path as a voice for the silenced. Whether it’s raising up the issues of gun violence, climate change, immigration, women’s issues, a just economy, or foreign policy, she fully invests her heart in every endeavor.

Like so many strong leaders, Rania knows all too well the subtle barriers for women who push hard for change and reform. She first became politically active at Austin College. As an activist and athlete, she quickly saw the need to bring people together in uniquely collaborative ways. Over time, she honed this leadership style of intersectional collaboration, recognizing that silo’d efforts never reach full fruition, while intercommunication can blossom into revolutionary results.


A true advocate for progressive change, Rania has cultivated her own unique role as an advocate, public relations specialist, consultant and leader. Rania has worked as a Democratic operative for over twenty years, lending her expertise across political, non-profit, legislative strategy and crisis management. For Bernie Sanders’ 2016 run for president, she served as Iowa Communications Director, the National Director of Surrogates and then as Deputy Campaign Manager.

In addition to Rania’s expertise in strategy and communications, her portfolio includes over fifteen years of experience in conflict resolution, mediation, and organizational development. Her firm, Batrice and Associates, has worked for social justice through a variety of avenues, collaborating with organizations including Our Revolution, the Arab American Institute, March for Our Lives,, March For Science, Sunrise Movement, and the Freedom Project.

Rania has been a featured speaker for a wide range of events, including addressing climate change at the Social Good Summit, the UN Youth Climate Summit and the UN General Assembly. She also spoke on the insidious nature of domestic violence in her appearance on CBS This Morning. Rania has helped inspire young people from all walks of life to harness the power of movement building in her appearances at colleges and universities across the United States.

She’s lent her expertise to many visionary organizations and projects, including the Freedom Project, March for Our Lives, Change the Ref, New American Leaders, the Arab American Institute,, Zero Hour, American Hemp Campaign, March for Science, the Innocence Project and Planned Parenthood.

Rania has received numerous accolades and awards for her work in the progressive movement, including the “Exceptional Women of Excellence” award presented by the World Economic Forum and the “Woman of Purpose” award presented by the Purpose Project.


Nida Allam

Account Executive

Nida Allam is an American Muslim and Durham resident. A leader in her community, and a North Carolina State University alumna, Nida has organized grassroots campaigns . Currently, she is working in the private sector as a data analyst, and has previously spent time working in North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey and New York as an organizer and political director for Bernie 2016.

Nida spends much of her personal time supporting and growing the grassroots connections and resources that she first established through her campaign work, especially among minority and faith-based communities in North Carolina. Nida Allam serves as Chair of the Mayor of Durham’s Women’s Advisory Council. As Third Vice Chair of the NCDP and first Muslim woman elected to represent the residents of North Carolina, she strives to serve as an ally for the oppressed and unheard, and works to establish equality and justice for ALL North Carolinians.

Haylee Session


Account Executive

Haylee Session was born and raised in Ft. Worth, Texas and graduated from Tarlton State University in May of 2019 with a B.S. in Criminal Justice and Sociology. At an early age, she experienced the profound impacts of criminal injustice; her uncle was wrongfully convicted of rape and was only exonerated after he died in prison. Inspired by The Innocence Project, Haylee committed her life to help protect families from the ravaging effects of criminal injustice and pursued a career in progressive reform.

While in college, she advocated for trans inclusive military policy, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter and racial equality. She also participated in the Diversity and Inclusive Group, Criminal Justice Club, and Sociology Club. For Batrice & Associates, Haylee has a key role as assistant to Rania Batrice, helping organize and coordinate key events, drafting press releases, facilitating communication and a plethora of other important tasks. As a former college track athlete, Haylee enjoys sports of all kinds and is a passionate animal lover in her free time.


Michael Beasley

Account Executive

As a native Iowan, Michael Beasley has been involved within the activist world since she understood the language at the dinner table. Growing up in a union home, Beasley has always felt a strong connection to the labor movement, but can also be found working with campaigns and non profits focusing on climate justice, reproductive justice and gun reform.

She has spent the better part of the last decade dedicating herself to projects which promote the voices of marginalized individuals. Beasley is thankful for the opportunity to continue these conversations through her work at Batrice and Associates. During her limited spare time, she can most often be found doodling in her sketchbook amongst her myriad of rescue plants with her sweet cat at her feet or helping out with her family’s lounge act.

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Nyasha Magocha

Digital Associate

Nyasha Magocha was born in Harare, Zimbabwe and currently resides in Dallas, Texas. She recently graduated from UT Arlington in 2020 with a B.A. in Political Science. As an immigrant raised by young first-generation parents, Magocha has always been passionate about immigration reform and racial inequality. While in college, she participated in events organized by the university’s Multicultural Affairs center, while participating in UTA’s Black Student Association and NAACP chapters.

She has organized and volunteered within the political non-profit sector advocating and campaigning for gun violence prevention, immigration reform, and environmental justice. Nyasha has dedicated her work to intertwining the power of marketing and serving as an ally for marginalized communities to fight against inequality. She is both excited and incredibly fortunate to continue empowering marginalized voices with Batrice and Associates.

During her personal time, Nyasha enjoys baking, reading, and exploring the world of makeup.