
We are partners in making your progressive vision a reality...

Together we elevate people, voices and issues of social justice and humanity – so we can bring about the change that is desperately needed both domestically and around the world.

Communications Strategy

We help craft and implement a proactive, responsive and integrated communications approach for your organization, ensuring that messaging across every platform advances your communication goals while mitigating potential pitfalls.

Media Training

Having an authentic, compelling story behind your message is imperative in today’s soundbite era. We help get to the essence of your brand and curate your message to make the most out of every media opportunity.

Policy Strategy

We work closely with your team to develop a holistic strategy that builds awareness and influence for your socially conscious brand. Building on decades of experience, our team-based approach is both customized and personal--we pride ourselves in living outside the box!

Building Partnerships

Partners for progressive change can be key allies in success. Through our extensive network, we can help identify and collaborate with key individuals and organizations who want to help actualize your goals.

Team Building and Facilitation

Skilled facilitation can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your team. Whether it’s bringing clarity to goals and processes, building collaborative energy, addressing unresolved conflicts, or improving group dynamics, team building has been proven to help achieve organizational goals.